​NARA Australia
National Arabian Race Horse Association.
The Australian Arabian Racing Authority.

New rules banning the use of anabolic steroids in the Australian Thoroughbred industry
On 1st November 2013, the Australian Racing Board (ARB) introduced new Rules banning
the use of anabolic steroids in thoroughbred racehorses. The ban will be enforced from 1st
May 2014.
Owners/Trainers/Breeders of Arabian racehorses are advised that The National Arabian Racehorse Association has adopted these rules. See AAR 171.H
The attached information has been downloaded from the Australian Racing Board web site and is applicable to all Arabian racehorses.
Important Rule Change
Anabolic Steroid Notice
Australian Arabian Rules of Racing
Trainers Please Note:
Amendment to Rule AAR131
CLICK HERE Australian Arabian Rules of Racing
August 1, 2015
Trainers Please Note:
Amendment to Rules