NARA Australia
National Arabian Race Horse Association.
The Australian Arabian Racing Authority.

Educational Video for All To View
Warning !!! This Video contains a Full Autopsy on a Horse along with Graphic Images.
Warning !!! This Video contains a Full Autopsy on a Horse along with Graphic Images.
Education - Seminars - Trials
Please check back shortly to see dates listed for your state.
Seminars will be conducted in NSW, QLD, SA, and VIC
Gundagai 21st June
Want to know more about Arabian Racing?
A seminar will be held at the Gundagai Racecourse in , NSW on June 21st, 2014, commencing at 11am and all are invited to attend. The seminar will be conducted by well known racehorse and showhorse trainer, Anthony Mountney. Anthony will explain and demonstrate everything you need to know about training, saddling & the use of different gear, what to do on race day, barrier education etc and is more than happy to answer your questions. If you are thinking of racing your Arabian or intend to apply for a Trainers Licence to train your own Arabian, then you need to attend the seminar.
The $25 fee includes a light lunch & tea & coffee.
NARA Licenced Trainers are reminded that it is compulsory to attend one training seminar each year and NARA Trainers in the Canberra/Gundagai area are encouraged to attend this seminar.
Contact NARA on 0409 985 274 or 0438 621 475 or email for bookings

A 1100m Trial for Arabian Racehorses will be held at the Beaudesert Racecourse on Tuesday 29th June at 9.30am.
Contact Nara Today.
Toowoomba, 14th September
Official Nara Seminar:
A seminar will be held at Sonador Lodge , southwest of Toowoomba on 14th September, 2014, commencing at 10.30am and all are invited to attend.
Official Nara Seminar – Racing Education/Information Day
Contact NARA on 0354 296985 or email for bookings or more information.
Guest Speakers:
Col Parker
Alistair Barnes
Glenn Wilkins
Anthony Mountney
Practical sessions to include saddling procedures, barrier training and barrier trials.
All horses barrier trialling MUST be registered with NARA.
Anyone wishing to barrier trial their horse must register each horse 7 days prior to the event.
The Entrance Fee: $30.00
Barrier Trial Fee: $65.00
for all information on Australian Arabian Racing and new announcements coming, please visit:
Seminar Entrance Fee: $30.00 including light refreshments - Bookings required.
Barrier Trial Fee: $65.00 + GST
All horses barrier trialling MUST be registered with NARA.
Barrier Trial nominations including the nomination fee must be received by NARA 7 days prior to the event.
The NARA Document of Identification must accompany each horses Barrier Trialling.
Riders of all horses Barrier Trialling must hold a current NARA Jockey Licence.
Trainers of horses Barrier Trialling must hold a current NARA Trainers Licence.
Contact NARA for information: (03)5429 6985 - Email:
Please Note the following amended information for the NARA Arabian Racing Seminar to be held at
at Sonador Lodge , Southwest of Toowoomba on 14th September, 2014, commencing at 10.30am.
Mulawa Open Day:
Saturday the 4th October at 10 AM
Will Feature Nara Representative Anthony Mountney.
"The Arabian Racehorse: Past, Present & Future"
Insight from one of Australia's leading performance trainers on this increasingly popular and globally significant sector of equine sport.
Nara thanks Mulawa for their support of Australian Arabian Racing.
Anthony Mountney to Represent NARA Australia at Mulawa Arabians Open Day
Date: Sunday 16th November 2014
Time: 7.30am - (Barrier Education)
Venue: Gordonvale Turf Club: 75 George Street, Gordonvale.
Followed by practical seminar
Time: 9.30am (Practical Seminar)
Venue: 322 Crossland Road Gordonvale
Practical sessions to include saddling procedures, barrier training and barrier trials.
All horses barrier trialling MUST be registered with NARA.
Anyone wishing to barrier trial their horse must register each horse 7 days prior to the event.
Morning tea, drinks & BBQ Lunch: $30.00 per head.
Barrier Trial Fee: $65.00
All horses barrier trialling MUST be registered with NARA.
Barrier Trial nominations including the nomination fee must be received by NARA 7 days prior to the event.
The NARA Document of Identification must accompany each horses Barrier Trialling.
Riders of all horses Barrier Trialling must hold a current NARA Jockey Licence.
Trainers of horses Barrier Trialling must hold a current NARA Trainers Licence.
Contact NARA for information: (03)5429 6985 - Email:
Nth Queensland Seminar
Date: Sunday 23rd November 2014
Time: 11.00am
Venue: Gundagai Race Track
Conducted by Anthony Mountney
Practical sessions to include saddling procedures, barrier training and barrier trials.
All horses barrier trialling MUST be registered with NARA.
Anyone wishing to barrier trial their horse must register each horse 7 days prior to the event.
Light Lunch Included : $30.00 per head.
Barrier Trial Fee: $65.00
All horses barrier trialling MUST be registered with NARA.
Barrier Trial nominations including the nomination fee must be received by NARA 7 days prior to the event.
The NARA Document of Identification must accompany each horses Barrier Trialling.
Riders of all horses Barrier Trialling must hold a current NARA Jockey Licence.
Trainers of horses Barrier Trialling must hold a current NARA Trainers Licence.
Contact NARA for information: (03)5429 6985 - Email:
New South Wales

Trainers Please Note:
Amendment to Rule AAR131
Arabian Racing Seminar - Saturday February 7, 2015
Tatura Park Equestrian Centre, Victoria.
The National Arabian Race Horse Association (NARA) and the Goulburn Valley Arabian Horse Club inc. presents a an Arabian Racing seminar.
Well known Arabian Race Horse trainer Anthony Mountney of ACM Equine at Kembla Grange NSW, will be conducting the seminar sharing his expertise and experience.
Learn how Arabian Racing can benefit country race horse trainers, endurance trainers, Arabian breeders and enthusiasts of the Arabian horse.
* Race day procedures and Protocol
* Saddling demonstration
* Training Tips
* Q & A
A light lunch will be provided. RSVP for catering purposes by 4th February 2015
Come along and enjoy a very informative day. All welcome!
Beginning at 11.00 am.
For more information please call 0498 134 998, or
Dr Caroline Foote, Anthony Mountney from ACM Equine Kembla Grange and Maureen Milburn Chairperson of NARA Australia will all be at the Seminar at Tatura to discuss Arabian Racing
Equine Consulting Services – Dr Caroline Foote B.Sc.Agr(Hons) M.App.Sc. Ph.D.
Equine Consulting Services was established in 2004 to be a leader in equine nutrition in Australia. We provide a unique consulting service to horse breeders, trainers and owners delivering scientifically based, nutritional advice for all phases of horse growth, development and performance. The consultancy is held in high regard by the veterinary industry for its ability to assist in improving performance, optimising growth and reducing the risk of disease through improved nutritional and management strategies.
Owner and principal consultant, Dr Caroline Foote has extensive experience in both equine research and the equine industry with a Ph.D. from the University of Sydney, in addition to a Master’s degree in Applied Science and a Bachelor Degree in Agricultural Science with Honours. Clients include leading Thoroughbred, Arabian and Performance Horse breeders and trainers including John O’Shea (Godolphin), Mulawa Arabians and Parbery Performance Horses as well as individual sport horse enthusiasts and pleasure horse owners throughout Australia and overseas. In addition to our consulting service, Equine Consulting Services offers a unique customised supplement formulation service for individual clients and has developed a commercial range of high quality “all-in-one” balancer pellets (Head to Hoof, and new formulations Sport & Support and Nourish) specifically designed for horses bred and trained under Australian conditions.
In collaboration with universities and funding bodies, Equine Consulting Services is actively involved in research in various areas of horse health including skeletal disease, tying-up, respiratory disease, equine gastric ulcer syndrome and insulin resistance and is currently consulting to the Australian Racing Board as part of their horse and rider welfare and safety program. Equine Consulting Services is a keen supporter of Riding for the Disabled and donates Head to Hoof to the Ryde and Blue Mountains centres to cover all their supplement requirements.
For further information please go to or contact Caroline on 0418 488 718.
Seminar - Tatura
The Arabian Racing Seminar held at Tatura Park Equestrian Centre on Saturday February 7, 2015,
was one of those events that, at the end of the day, had you walking to your car thinking
"wow, what a great day". A really friendly group of people who really have the future of Arabian
racing as their number one goal hung on every word from the brilliant speakers.
Dr Caroline Foote from Equine Consulting Services spoke about the dietary requirements of all
facets of the horse industry. Equine Consulting Services provides a range of nutritional services
to horse breeders, trainers and owners delivering scientifically based, nutritional advice for all
phases of horse growth, development and performance. Their clients include Godolphin, Mulawa,
leading Thoroughbred breeders and trainers, Arabian, Quarter Horse and Sport Horse enthusiasts
in addition to pleasure horse owners throughout Australia and Overseas. The advice given by
Dr.Foote on the feeding of racehorses was excellent and will prove invaluable to Arabian racehorse
owners and trainers. As part of their service a Dietary Evaluation form is available on the NARA website.
Just fill it in and email it back to Dr.Foote.
Jenni Fairweather from Peak Performance Equine has some extremely interesting and very useful
tools for the health and welfare of horses in any field. These included Transpirator Respiratory
Therapy, Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy and Tapotement Massage. Really worth educating
yourself on the uses and benefits of these items. Jenny can be contacted on 0433 800 626.
Gaye Gauci-Marchant from Equine Goals & Dreams gave spoke about what the future holds for
the Arabian racing industry and racing across the board. Gaye outlined the training opportunities
available for people interested in coming into the Arabian Racing Industry. Information on these
training courses are now available on the NARA website.
Kim Noble and her team did the saddling, riding and horse demonstration with Warrawee Naaziq
and Coolinda Park Kazh, both of whom raced at Sportingbet Park on the 26th January. Kim spoke
about the different gear that is often seen on a racehorse and their purpose. She also spoke about
the industry requirements of the riders helmet and body vest. And of course Dozer was a hit!!!
Thank you to Carole & Shannon Hore and the Goulburn Valley Arabian Group for organizing this
event and making it the great success it was. Thanks to the NARA team who attended the event
and who were happy to answer questions.
Of course this event would not have been complete without the attendance of Dozer, the
Arabian Racing mascot

Further information and dates will be published shortly, for information from the day please contact the NARA office at
Sport & Support Dietary Evaluation Service