​NARA Australia
National Arabian Race Horse Association.
The Australian Arabian Racing Authority.

New South Wales State News
Mulawa Open Day:
Saturday the 4th October at 10 AM
Will Feature Nara Representative Anthony Mountney.
"The Arabian Racehorse: Past, Present & Future"
Insight from one of Australia's leading performance trainers on this increasingly popular and globally significant sector of equine sport.
Nara thanks Mulawa for their support of Australian Arabian Racing.
Anthony Mountney to Represent NARA Australia at Mulawa Arabians Open Day
Annual License Renewals are now overdue and require immediate attention.
Failure to renew all licences and registrations may impact on your ability
to participate in future events.
Email us at: naraaustralia@hotkey.net.au
Attention All Members and Licence Holders
New South Wales
Date: Sunday 23rd November 2014
Time: 11.00am
Venue: Gundagai Race Track
Conducted by Anthony Mountney
Practical sessions to include saddling procedures, barrier training and barrier trials.
All horses barrier trialling MUST be registered with NARA.
Anyone wishing to barrier trial their horse must register each horse 7 days prior to the event.
Light Lunch Included : $30.00 per head.
Barrier Trial Fee: $65.00
All horses barrier trialling MUST be registered with NARA.
Barrier Trial nominations including the nomination fee must be received by NARA 7 days prior to the event.
The NARA Document of Identification must accompany each horses Barrier Trialling.
Riders of all horses Barrier Trialling must hold a current NARA Jockey Licence.
Trainers of horses Barrier Trialling must hold a current NARA Trainers Licence.
Contact NARA for information: (03)5429 6985 - Email: naraaustralia@hotkey.net.au
Official Nara Seminar – Racing Education/Information Day

Race Information
Nominations Open from 1st October
NOMINATIONS for the UAE Arabian Plate and the Shadwell Arabian Stallions
Plate run on 6th December 2014 at the Gold Coast Turf Club in association
with NARA will be open on 1st October.

Trainers Please Note:
Amendment to Rule AAR131