​NARA Australia
National Arabian Race Horse Association.
The Australian Arabian Racing Authority.

The Nara Team
Who is NARA
NARA is the authority established under Australian Law as the controlling authority for Arabian Horse Racing in Australia. As the controlling body NARA represents Australia on the International Federation of Arabian Horse Racing Authorities.
The charter of NARA detailed in the Company Articles of Association is to:
Develop a professional & sustainable Arabian Horse Racing Industry in Australia
Promote & market Arabian Horse Racing in Australia
Establish & maintain an Arabian racehorse registry
Manage & distribute Arabian racing data and records
Oversee a strong industry code of ethics
Represent Arabian racing at major functions throughout Australia
Co-ordinate National Media coverage
Publish the Australian Arabian Rules of Racing
Co-ordinate Australia's representation in International Arabian Racing
Facilitate overseas markets for Australian Arabian racehorses
Provide owners & breeders with incentive schemes
Co-ordinate with each State the production of a National racing calendar
Ensure that Arabian horse racing in Australia is fair by enforcing a strict code of ethics regarding drugs in racing
Liaise with Governments and Industry leaders
Assist in securing corporate and other sponsorship for Arabian Racing Promote the best interests of
the Arabian Horse Breed in Australia.
NARA Board Members:
Fiona Green, Nth Queensland
Darrell Field, Queensland

Official State Representatives:
These team members are our official representatives at all state level
meetings in regards to Arabian Racing in Australia.

Lisa Willan
Corporate Adviser
Maureen Milburn,
Anthony Mountney,
New South Wales
Virginia Dodson,
Mark Baker,
Vice President
Business Development Manager
Brenden Milburn
Racing Director
Resignation of Volunteers Al Barnes & Nadine Frampton
March 19, 2015
To All of the Arabian Racing Community. It is with great regret that we have accepted the resignations of both Alistair Barnes as the South East Queensland NARA Representative and Nadine Frampton as Media Liaison and Promotions Officer.
Over the last 12 months, Alistair has been an integral part of the NARA team and a solid advocate for the South East Queensland Arabian Racing community.
Resignation of Victorian Representative - Dorothy Hodge
April 9, 2015
To The Arabian Racing Community. It is with great regret that on the 9th of April, 2015, we have accepted the resignation of Dorothy Hodges as the Victorian NARA Representative.
I3Sharon Myers